Industrial Infrastructure Facility Monitoring

workplace safety and security, covering activities such as facility surveillance, facility management, nighttime patrols, and even fire monitoring
We establish an unmanned reconnaissance system utilizing unmanned surveillance drones and automatic charging stations. This system plays a crucial role in enhancing workplace safety and security, covering activities such as facility surveillance, facility management, nighttime patrols, and even fire monitoring. In the event of a fire within the facility, real-time monitoring allows for immediate response and initial suppression.

Pain Points

Lack of Accuracy

Errors or omissions may occur when manually monitoring and operating all sensors and equipment.

Limitations in Emergency Response

When humans are monitoring and managing facilities, responding promptly to emergency situations can be challenging. This is particularly crucial for large-scale or complex systems where quick responses are necessary in the event of issues

Data Processing Speed

Industrial facilities generate a vast amount of data through various sensors and equipment. There are limitations when it comes to processing and analyzing such large datasets manually, and it may take a significant amount of time for quick decision-making.

Recommended ARGOSDYNE Products

Business Value

Accurate Monitoring and Surveillance

It can quickly and accurately survey and monitor the entire facility from high altitudes. Additionally, it can be integrated with the disaster management center screen, enabling real-time monitoring and immediate response for initial firefighting in the event of a fire.

Safe Operations in Hazardous Areas

It can be operated safely in dangerous or hard-to-reach areas. Utilizing drones in hazardous areas such as high-voltage lines and chemical processing plants enables safer monitoring. Moreover, it allows surveillance in areas that are inaccessible for monitoring through CCTV within the facility.

Enhancement of Diagnostics and Maintenance

It is possible to analyze the air quality in the upper part of the factory, including the concentration of substances, using a gas detector sensor. This allows for precise identification of areas requiring maintenance. As a result, it contributes to enhancing the safety of the facility and preventing maintenance issues

Purpose of collection and use of personal information
– Collection items: name, contact information, email
-Purpose of use: Used for answering consultation contents, marketing related to consultation, and notice of information guidance
Retention period
– Reason for retention: Retention of information through member consent
– Retention period: Until member information is requested to be deleted